Transfer from the old hoster with the retention of the payment term!

If you have a website and it is hosted on another hosting, but you cannot go there because it is paid for a long time (half a year or a year), we are ready to transfer your website to us while maintaining this payment period.The only condition is payment for hosting for 1 year (tariffs ), ... Read More »

24th Nov 2023

Хэллоуин уже близко и мы приготовили для вас ужасно большие скидки для заказа новых услуг и страшно приятные бонусы для продления уже активных заказов. Для новых заказов vds Не упустите ... Read More »

19th Oct 2023
The location for the server in Germany is closed.

Due to low demand for the Germany or Finland location, we are closing orders for these locations.

14th Oct 2023
Billing update

The most basic and important innovation is the extension of services upon request. Those. the client will be able to renew them independently at any time without waiting for an invoice.

27th Sept 2023
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