Install Microtik CHR to vps

allows you to run virtual machines in the cloud. Standard images include various generic Linux distributions, but it is also possible to run RouterOS CHR with a little workaround. You have to boot the cloud server in the rescue system, download the CHR raw disk image and write it over the system disk of the cloud server. It can be done in just a few steps.

  1. Create a new WishHost server (any of the offered)
  2. In the cloud admin interface activate the rescue system and restart the server (ENABLE RESCUE & POWER CYCLE), choose 'linux64' as the Rescue OS. A username and passwoord will be shown. Use that to log into the rescue system via SSH
  3. The following command will:
    1. Download the CHR raw disk image from the download page using 'curl'
    2. Extract the image from the zip archive using 'funzip'
    3. Write ir over the system disk (/dev/sda) of the cloud server using 'dd'
  4. curl -L | funzip | dd of=/dev/sda bs=1M (replace the disk image link with the newest available version on the download page)
  5. Restart the server by issuing reboot command and log into the RouterOS CHR with the default user - admin
  6. Please secure your RouterOS right away
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